What Is EFT Tapping
Tap, Tap, What?
“Even though I feel the onset of a migraine, and I don’t have my tablets with me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”.
I was saying these words out loud while tapping on various parts of my face and my upper body, as my husband drove us to the next stop on our weekend getaway. He’s used to me doing unusual stuff, so I continued tapping, and he continued driving.
I’ve put up with debilitating migraines most of my life, and it’s the only time you’ll find me (reluctantly) popping a pill. But here we were, on a weekend getaway 200 miles away from home, that vice-like grip threatening to tighten around my temples, and all I had with me was my EFT techniques.
So, I tapped.
And, it worked.
Within a few minutes the tension subsided, including the grip I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in my jaw and my shoulders, and after several more tapping rounds, the pain had eased completely.
Migraine diverted. Weekend rescued. Thank you, EFT.

What Is EFT Tapping
EFT is a blend of acupuncture and mind-body methods developed by Gary Craig and supported by decades of scientific studies.
You tap your fingertips lightly on various acupressure points, while adding words that describe your stress or emotion.
The first time I heard of EFT Tapping, I thought it was weird. But I was also intrigued enough to explore further, and EFT has now become a useful addition to my meditation and wellness toolkit, with some remarkable results.

How Does EFT Tapping Work
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, and that’s exactly what it does. The process can free up negative emotion, or physical and emotional symptoms created by a negative experience.
With practice and guidance, you can learn how to neutralize, or even permanently clear, tension or negative emotions—as well as understand new and positive approaches to coping with life’s challenges.

Try It For Yourself
That’s a brief summary of a multi-layered practice, and I encourage you to explore further, with a qualified EFT Practitioner.
As an introduction, you’re welcome to try my “EFT Tapping For Stress Relief” course here on the Insight Timer app.
Below is the EFT Tapping Chart to familiarize yourself with the acupressure points.
When they say you can tap on almost anything, it’s true. I’d been tapping for years as a way of addressing negative emotions or thoughts before settling into a guided meditation, but I hadn’t ever tried it on a migraine.
There are no guarantees that you’ll always get the immediate relief I did, but it’s certainly worth a try, and at a minimum, you’ll be practicing a form of mindful attention, which in itself can be very soothing.
Happy Tapping!