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A Revolt Against The Revoltingness

"Philando Castile, I’m so sorry we all know your name today." I read this today, in an Elephant Journal post. I am sorry, too, and tremendously saddened. We can post memes and # tags and change our Facebook profile picture in some sort of statement of support, sympathy, hope. And that’s okay, but it leaves me feeling mostly hollow. The world has been a fairly...

Be My Yoga Valentine

Valentine’s Day can conjure up feelings or thoughts that are far removed from the original intention of this day. Depending on your perspective, February 14 might create the same forced expectations of New Year’s Eve, where the pressure is on to have the most romantic, love-filled time with your sweetheart, and a non-stop flow of red emoji hearts and roses leaping...

20 Things To Be Thankful For At Thanksgiving

Okay, let me be clear about this. Thanksgiving is not "our" holiday. We weren't brought up in America and even after many years here, it's still a holiday we sort of observe from a distance, watching people cheerfully make plans for family get togethers and turkey trimmings. Sometimes, we celebrate with friends who welcome us into their homes to join in on the...

The Turtles Went In Two By Two, Hurrah, Hurrah

Nature decided to gift my sunrise stroll this week with the magical experience of watching these little creatures on their intrepid journey to the ocean. As if the gorgeous sunrise wasn’t already enough, suddenly there was Amanda, rescuing turtle hatchlings that hadn't managed to climb out of their nest. (Note: she’s with Delray Beach Environmental Services and officially tasked with doing this...

Everyone Needs Chillaxing Time, Even Krishna Das

Krishna Das, beloved kirtan singer of many years, put out a message on YouTube last month, saying that he is taking a 6 to 12 month sabbatical in 2016, to "rejuvenate, rest and get some juice back in the system". The video startled me a bit, because he does look tired, worn out. His web site team says he's okay, not to...

Yoga to the Rescue on New Year’s Day

New Year's Eve started off perfectly, with a pre-midnight prosecco toast at home, giving us time to then join a group of yoga friends and chant a continuous Om again and again, as a beautiful way to herald in 2015. (Thank you, Simply Yoga, Andi and Karen). The next treat was a walk on the beach with my husband, watching...

Winter Solstice and Yoga

The spectacular solstice sunrise I watched this week, jumped the queue and interrupted my intended “crucial ingredients for a more balanced life” blog post. (Perhaps that's better suited to the New Year anyway, when we're all determined and motivated, making resolutions for the year ahead...

Where Are The Goats?

Yes, I’ll admit it. It’s been difficult to adjust to “normal life” after months of yoga bliss in the Himalayas. I’ve been back home now for over two months and apart from the happiness at seeing my husband, family and friends again, the re-entry into Western life has been challenging. During the last few days of our yoga program, Yogi Sivadas...