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Poop, Pray, Move [Part 1] – with apologies to Elizabeth Gilbert

This is my secret recipe for inner peace and outward calm, the kind I felt during my yoga stay in India last year. I've summarized the most important things I learnt at Kailash Tribal School of Yoga into five essentials. Yes, we studied yoga philosophy and yoga psychology and Vedic wisdom and ancient Sanskrit and sequencing of yoga asanas –...

Gee, I can Make Ghee!

Love butter, but worried about cholesterol? Guilt-free ghee is your alternative! [caption id="attachment_151" align="alignright" width="300"] Butter About to Become Ghee[/caption] Fat is good for you! In fact, "good" fat (in moderation) is an essential part of a healthy diet if you want happy joints, healthy tissues and good digestion. This is what I learnt today at our Ayurvedic cooking class with Dr...