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Mcleod Ganj Moonrise

I was going to write a post about Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) and the Moon Salutations (Chandra Namaskar), to accompany photos of the magnificent moonrise last night and then I thought all that really mattered was to share the moon’s magic with you.

Every morning and evening, the view from my balcony here in McLeod Ganj is different, as the mountains appear and disappear through clouds, mist and sunlight and the birds or monkeys add their presence to the vista.

The yoga of movement – the physical poses like Ardha Chandrasana – is not quite as fulfilling as the yoga of beauty; when we are aware of the splendour of our surroundings and appreciate it within our hearts.

So, here was last night’s performance; moonrise over sunset-tinged clouds and the beauty of our world.


McLeod-Ganj-MoonriseMoonrise Mcleod Ganj

McLeod Ganj moonrise

Oh, and I was so enthralled by the exquisite moonrise that I almost forgot the vertical rainbow that preceded it! Enjoy. Have a beautiful day, and notice something extraordinary and beautiful about the world around you.


Vertical rainbow at sunset

Vertical rainbow at sunset


Eagle silhouetted in the rainbow πŸ™‚

    TP of BN3
    9 Sep 2014

    MP it all very well to describe the stunningNiss but then to be able to capture so magnificently. What a treat. TPx

      13 Sep 2014

      Thank you! I’ll do my best to keep on capturing!

    Karen Pagano
    12 Sep 2014

    Julie, these photos take my breath away!

      13 Sep 2014

      The scene was so beautiful, a big hit to the heart chakra.

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