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Hanuman Comes Visiting

[caption id="attachment_1396" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Monkey Business[/caption] Today, a monkey strolled into my yogi cottage. And when I advanced towards him, shooing him away, HE advanced towards ME, and bared his teeth. I backed off and watched as he made his way to the kitchen shelves and started to pick things up and toss them across the room, while I tried my...

Yoga Kriyas and Welcome to the Digestive System

Yogi Sivadas' teaching of yoga is classical and is also strongly influenced by Ayurveda, the ancient science of better health. He believes that most emotional, hormonal and physical imbalances and agitations of the mind are caused by bad diet, poor digestion and a sedentary and/or stressful lifestyle. Healthy digestion and elimination is crucial. The exasperated expression, "Oh, she's full of shit!",...

Tibetan Prayer Wheels and Temples

[caption id="attachment_1405" align="alignleft" width="200"] Tibetan prayer wheels[/caption] Our yoga teacher training schedule is crammed, so we relish the little bit of free time for exploring the area and early one morning I enjoyed a visit to the Buddhist Kalachakra Temple (no photos allowed). There were local Tibetans making their daily circuit of the temple; praying, spinning the prayer wheels, stopping to...

Little Tibet: Settling In

[caption id="attachment_73" align="alignright" width="300"] Vibrant and happy yoga room[/caption] Loving it here! It's a combination and contrast of chaos and peace! Goats, dogs, cows, bikes, tuk tuks, taxis and people, all claiming possession of the narrow main street; vehicles missing you by millimetres as their horns blast loudly in your ears. And then inside our tranquil little yoga school perched on the...

Made in India: Preview

The decision to complete my 500 hours yoga teacher training certification in the foothills of the Himalayas, within chanting distance of the Dalai Lama's home, happened very quickly. India wasn't even on my list of possibilities until my pilates/yoga friend, Michele, suggested it. When research produced nothing that really leapt off the screen, she looked at me and said, "You need...