Yoga Nidra with Julie (AKA yogaressa)
Yoga Nidra guided meditation (or 'conscious sleep') systematically takes your awareness from outer world activity towards an inner state of peace.
For beginners and experienced meditators, Yoga Nidra meditation is an easy way to help release the mind from catapulting constantly into worries about the future, or dwelling on regrets of the past.
Simply get comfortable and listen to the guided meditation.
Meditate With Me—Insight Timer
Our minds are almost constantly engaged in with internal dialogue, jumping from one thought to the next.
Meditation develops mindfulness and awareness; creating calm, clarity, and joy.
Meditate with me here – Insight Timer
Meditate With Me—YouTube
Meditation is accessible to all. Just ten minutes a day, every day, reveals our habitual thought patterns and our inherent beliefs about life. It brings deep personal insight and understanding.
Meditate with Me—Apple Music
Through regular meditation, we come to understand more about the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives, ultimately making healthier and more compassionate choices, for ourselves and for others.
Meditate with me here – Apple Music
May you have clarity, contentment, and meaning in your life, through the practice of Yoga Nidra and meditation.
Meditation Tips
In most forms of meditation, you are training your mind to focus on the present moment; fully awake and calmly alert— you’re not trying to “empty the mind“; you’re simply observing your thoughts as they arise.

Let Go
Let go of judging your meditation experience. It's easy for that inner critic to comment on how it's going, especially if you find you’re distracted or bored during meditation. Thoughts come and go—simply let them flow through your awareness. No matter how you experience the meditation itself, the benefits are consistent, long after the meditation is complete.

Make some form of meditation part of your everyday routine. If it’s important enough, you will make time for it. Everyone can spare 10 minutes to do something this beneficial. If you miss a day? That's okay, just pick up again tomorrow. When you meditate consistently, the magic happens.

Try different styles of meditation to find techniques you enjoy. So much to explore! Walking meditation, eating meditation, repetitive chanting, and many more. What might sometimes feel like discipline or effort soon becomes something you look forward to, a daily treat you don't want to miss.

Ditch any intimidating preconceptions that meditation requires specific clothing, a special incense-filled room, or a deep knowledge of Sanskrit. All those elements are personal choices and can become part of a regular ritual if that's important to you. Thankfully, meditation also 'works' when you simply pause what you're doing and settle into quiet contemplation.
Julie’s Yoga Connections

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